Garmin® pioneers the SOLAR SERIES!

Life is really about doing what you love...MORE...and LONGER. After the launch of fēnix Pro Solar in 2019, the iron test and verdict came out for the Philippines: YES, we want more solar variants here! The Philippines, being undeniably tropical makes outdoor sports and activities a lifestyle staple that a solar-powered wearable was on the... Continue Reading →

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Time was when only a subset of the population cared about being fit and active. Almost overnight, we were all forced to stay indoors, look for ways to be physically active, manage mental health and stress levels and maintain adequate sleep to help strengthen the immune system. But even the average Joe needs more than... Continue Reading →

FITn’TRIM: Weight Management in Challenging Times

It takes discipline to stay in shape in crisis, particularly when everyone is still advised to stay at home and in quarantine. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, the World Health Organization (WHO)[1] recommends keeping a healthy and nutritious diet. Alcohol and sugary drinks consumption must also be avoided, as well as smoking, which increases the risk... Continue Reading →

The NOVUHAIR® Fit-Fil Bullet-Proof Mission

As instantaneously as the pandemic that gripped us three months ago, came the need to assess our fitness and health status, and take the necessary steps to regain or maintain this state of well-being. Fortunately, more brands and their companies are joining the bandwagon of demonstrating corporate social responsibility in these troubled times. They may... Continue Reading →

Hear the World with earAccess®

earAccess hearing aids to be available in the Philippines. Canadian social enterprise makes high quality hearing aids accessible to Filipinos. Not too many Filipinos are knowledgeable when it comes to detecting possible hearing problems. And even if they are, devices that provide immediate solutions like hearing aids may be out of their reach because of... Continue Reading →

Hallyu Reveals the Secrets of Beauty

Many have tried and copied the Korean-style but authetic hallyu can only come from Hallyu Secret Aesthetics and Beauty Training.  When I first told my daughter Aimee about it, she immediately gushed, "Wow, Ma, this is authentic premier Korean facial treatment!" It was unfortunate that I was on an advocacy mission that I had to... Continue Reading →

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